The project that received green light refers to the realization of an underground passage under Magheru Boulevard, on the relation Aleea Ștrandului – Traian Park, which will take over the road traffic completely. The solution ensures priority for trams, which should increase their frequency of travel and reduce the travel time of the races. The package also includes the reconfiguration of the Dacia Bridge. Now, the sidewalks have 2.6m each. They will be narrowed to allow the arrangement of six lanes for the road and separate space for the tram.

The work is contracted by Freyrom SA, Prodcons Group SRL, Integrated Road Solutions SRL and Electro Excel Green Consulting SRL, which also worked at the Centenary Bridge. The value of the contract is over 14.5 million lei VAT. The source of funding is represented by the European funds through the Regional Operational Program 2014 – 2020, Specific Objective 4.1 – Reducing carbon emissions in county-resident municipalities through investments based on sustainable urban mobility plans.
